Working from Home during Covid19

Sarah Corcoran

Blog Writer

In uncertain times, we are often removed from our comfort zones and forced to live, work and socialise differently. With the current worldwide pandemic of Corona Virus/Covid19, many of our workplaces have been closed and if you are able to work from home (as opposed to becoming temporarily or permanently unemployed) you’re one of the lucky ones!

For many, flexible working or working from home has never been an option and something that many of us are unfamiliar with. Premier Business Centres want to help our clients and colleagues adapt to these unusual working conditions by putting together some information on working from home during Covid19. While it may be difficult to see the positive in all of this, there are many benefits to working from home for both employers and employees. Lets take a look on the bright side, shall we? 


Benefits To Working From Home

  • You’re finally realising how many of those important business meetings could have been emails or conference calls after all!
  • With many employees comfortable working from home, it may mean less permanent desk space is needed after this crisis, so you may be able to downsize your office space.

  • It also means you could be better positioned to offer your employees a more flexible working environment in the future contributing to overall employee satisfaction. Employees can enjoy a more flexible schedule, working around family commitments and scheduling tasks whenever it suits you.

  • You have effectively cut out your commute time and the need for expensive take-away coffees and lunches. This means more disposable income for you to enjoy when it suits you.

  • Calls and meetings are on your time and you don’t need to worry about booking meeting space.

  • You’ve also eliminated the need for an ‘office-wardrobe’, you can now wear your comfiest clothes to work.

  • The usual office distractions have been eliminated and you can play whatever background music you like!


Drawback From Working From Home

But lets also be realistic while working from home has a certain novelty, it can fade quickly when you don’t have any choice!

  • Some of the main physical difficulties include losing your ergonomic and customised workspace and replacing it with the kitchen table.
  • Communication and collaboration become more difficult while accountability (both yours and your colleagues) can become a lot lower.
  • There are lot more ‘household’ distractions like TV, phones, internet browsing, housework and of course children and families.
  • Being isolated and distanced from colleagues and the outside world can also influence our mental health. Loneliness equates to less satisfaction, less productivity, less creativity so we must do our best very best to find coping strategies to combat it.


How to Work From Home Effectively

  • Schedule your day. Get up at the same time as you would if you were going into an office.
  • Shower and dress as if you were going outside. Try to avoid working in your pajamas (for too long anyway!).
  • Schedule a lunch for an hour and get outside to enjoy a walk or some exercise.
  • Finish work at your usual time and put away your laptop so you’re not dipping in and out.
  • Keep in touch. There are so many ways to contact your team using modern technology. Make use of WhatsApp groups, Skype calls, Microsoft Teams and so much more. Make sure to share light-hearted and positive news as well as more serious work-related topics.
  • Try not to let your diet go to pot when you’re working from home. It’s so easy to graze and snack with treats in such close range. Plan healthy meals and try to eat at the same time as you would if you were working from the office.
  • Set goals for your day. Don’t coast through your day dipping in and out of projects or tasks. Set yourself a goal for the day and stick to it. This is also a good way to measure your productivity and prove to your boss that you are working hard.
  • If you are trying to juggle children and work at the same time, you may need some more flexibility and perhaps a shorter working day. Discuss this with your employer as soon as possible, before your work starts to suffer.

Remember, it’s *almost* business as usual in our offices if you need some help getting back on your feet after this uncertainty has passed. Don’t let your business suffer more than it needs to.

Contact Therese today to talk about the options available to you which may save you time and money in this uncertain time. We are also happy to set up conference or Skype calls in lieu of face to face meetings.

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